Hosted Setup via Heroku

With Heroku setting up Parse Server is very simple and can be done in a few clicks.

  1. Create a Heroku Account
  2. Visit our pre-configured Parse-Server Starter repository
  3. Click the “Deploy to Heroku” button
  4. Give your Heroku app a name
  5. Provide and AppID, MasterKey, Parse Mount, Server URL and Site URL
  6. Click “Deploy App” and watch the magic happen

⬇️ see below for further description of these config variables ⬇️

Heroku Config Vars

App Name

Give your Heroku app a name, this will be used when you configure your ServerURL config param and will be the location of your Heroku instance e.g. if the app name is ‘chisel-parse-server’, then it’ll be available at


Any unique identifier for your app. Make it long enough and random generated to be secure.

Tip: In my experience, Heroku doesn’t like special characters, e.g. ‘>’ in this identifier.

Master Key

Any unique identifier for your app. Make it long enough and random generated to be secure.

Tip: In my experience, Heroku doesn’t like special characters, e.g. ‘>’ in this identifier.

Parse Mount

You shouldn’t need to change this from the default for a basic implementation

Server URL

This is the location of your Parse Server app, which is basically made up from the App Name and Parse Mount variables. For example:

Tip: Heroku provides free SSL out of the box, use the https version for your Server URL.

Site URL

This is where you are running your Chisel-CMS app.

If you run Chisel locally: http://localhost:9000 (default)

Mix and Match

If you've hosted your Parse Server instance on Heroku, you can still host your Chisel app on another service provider.

For example, you can deploy your Chisel app on our Forge service. In this case, use your Forge site URL in the Parse Server configuration.


Heroku Setup

Heroku Deploy will automagically setup the Node.js app, MongoDB, Express.js framework - all you need to run Parse Server.

Heroku Setup

Creating configuration variables.